Book a Batting Cage Rental!
All reservations require a card on file.
If you fail to show to your rental you will be charged for the rental. Cancellations must be made 2 hours in advance online or by calling (541) 312-9259.
Please look at Facility Schedule and Pricing page for full details on reservation options.
Learn more about the Fieldhouse technology here! Add a HitTrax, IPITCH, or Rapsodo to your rental today to level up your training.
Customer Policies:
Pitching machines listed per cage are subject to change. Due to high use some times the machines may break and will be unavailable until new parts are received. Pitching machines are not guaranteed and no refunds will be given if unavailable. We will try our best to move you to a cage with a pitching machine if yours is unavailable.
Cancellations must be made 2 hours in advance online or by calling (541) 312-9259.
No cleats allowed at any time, metal or molded.
Customers are encouraged to bring their own equipment. We do have a small selection of baseball bats and helmets for use.
Only baseball or softball activities can be done during open cage time, all other sports must rent the whole facility.
Team Rental Policies:
Teams or groups of 5 or more must pay an additional team rate, regardless of how many spaces they are renting at a time.
If a team or group rents a cage(s) and does not report themselves as a group when booking or at check in, they will be charged the team up charge with no required notification.
Teams can rent a max of 2 spaces at a time in advance (I.E. 1 cage and the turf or 2 cages).
Cancellations must be made 2 hours in advance online or by calling (541) 312-9259. If your bill is invoiced it must be reported to the management contact in order for your invoice to be updated.
Teams are encouraged to bring their own equipment. If using provided equipment, they still can only use 1 tee and 1 bucket of balls per rented space. I.E. If you rent 2 cages you can take a max of 2 tee’s and 2 buckets of balls.
HitTrax Rental Policies:
Rental of HitTrax is only available in batting cages 1 and 5.
Rental is preferred to be booked ahead of time. Getting access to the HitTrax upon arrival is based on trained staff availability if not previously reserved.
A user profile is required to be set up before rental begins if you want to keep your stats. You can rent without a previously made user profile, but would not be able to save that sessions stats. A user profile can be made through HitTrax here.
Memorial Day Weekend Rental Policies:
During Memorial Day weekend, no Fielder’s Choice Discount will be given.
Teams can rent a max of 2 cages at a time.
Cancellations must be made 2 hours in advance online or by calling (541) 312-9259.
Teams are encouraged to bring their own equipment. If using provided equipment, they can only use 1 tee and 1 bucket of balls per rented space.
If participating in the WCPT Memorial Day Tournament you will get one 30 minute rental free.
The turf space is not to be used due to the number of people in the facility.