Be a Bend Elks Community Partner!
Be a Community Partner!
By being a sponsor with the Bend Elks you are helping the baseball and sports entertainment community of Central Oregon grow and thrive! The Bend Elks are proud to provide the Central Oregon community the only college or professional sports experience around. Everything we do is provided and supported by our wonderful sponsors!
Be Seen at the Ballpark!
With a variety of sponsorship options there are so many ways you can make your brand known in our ballpark and with our fans! From game day title sponsorships, outfield banners, promotional giveaways, and radio/video streaming opportunities there are so many great ways to be seen at the ballpark!
Make Yourself Know!
Make your brand known at Vince Genna Stadium through a partnership with the Bend Elks! We look forward to finding new partners throughout the Central Oregon Community. Look at our flyer for more information or contact us today!
Interested in being a Bend Elks community partner?
Fill out the form below today and we will reach out to you to talk about creating a partnership together!